
[Spring 2016] President Newsletter

From the Desk of the President: Alexis Holmes Jones

As United States citizens, voting is not only an individual's right, it's a privilege. This year will marks a new term for America's 45th President. Although, the Civil Service Employees Association is not a political group, or a union, our very existence, as civil governmental workers are intricately intertwined. Therefore we have to remain true to the original values that formed the CSEA in 1934, and stay true to our obligation to all government employees. It is our approximately two-thousand (2,000) CSEA members, and when taking into account the CSEA Credit Union’s approximately two-thousand-seven hundred (2,700) members, there are approximately five-thousand (5,000) total CSEA members; this is where we find our strength. We are local City and Countywide members that represent the thread that knits families, cities, and counties together across the State of Ohio and the USA in general. However, more than ever politicians are attempting to phase out collaborated efforts that ensure fairness in the workplace. "The Right to Work" advocates are little by little gaining ground. What does this mean for CSEA members? Less protection under the law! Fortunately, for now, Ohio is not one of the twenty-two State that have adopted this practice, and if memory serves correctly, workers petitioned, fought hard and were successful at keeping unfair hiring practices out of Ohio.

Wikipedia's Description:
"The term civil service refer to either a branch of governmental service in which individuals are employed (hired) on the basis of professional merit as proven by competitive examinations;...."

Competitive examinations are a citizen's right under the law. The Civil Service Employees Association is the guardian that protects these rights. When these rights are unprotected and/or violated, the Civil Service Employees Association offers legal representation to all CSEA members. Also, CSEA members have an obligation to protect these rights too, and this must be a consensus within the whole body. We must be concrete individuals who make clear and conscious leadership choices, because we are the individuals who were supposed to be hired through the fair and unbiased process of "competitive examinations on the basis of professional merit." Therefore, before casting our votes, we have to be careful to vote for leadership that advocates a willingness to protect the fairness of this process.

It is our obligation to examine our local, state and national candidates thoroughly. Find out if candidates advocate fairness to government workers according to the law and know for sure if they advocate against fair working class practices. Research the voting records of candidates, and know if civil servants working under their watch were afforded fair and impartial treatment i.e. adequate yearly raises, timely promotions and fair disciplinary practices. Ponder if the current leadership establishments entreat you well within the laws of governance, and not constantly advocating to undermine [y]our merit status under the law. Yes, we have an obligation too! We have to do our best to protect taxpayers, citizens and workers who make daily contributions to thriving societies; then, ask yourself, are you and your families thriving or has the years spent under the current leadership been inadequate or merely mediocre or simply status quo?

Civil Service worker's perform necessary and specialized jobs and services; We are dedicated to serving citizens and communities across the this Country. Year after year, we perform selfless and difficult tasks, and yet we perform them excellently. We contribute to the day to day tasks of keeping our city and county governments running smoothly, and insuring that the many facets of Cities, Counties, States and our Country's obligations and affairs, remain operational and in good working order. We are the face of government. Ask yourself if the current government leadership gives more and more to corporations and less and less to hard working Civil Servants? Are the leaders of your City, County, State and Nation providing, protecting and treating [y]our "civil service" status as directed under the law? Or are they slowly advocating selling off employee rights through outsourcing, cronyism and lobbyist? Or attempt to phase out government employee's rights to being hired, by promoting policies that will eventually deplete jobs through difficult disciplinary tactics; or prohibit receiving equal pay, and timely promotions; only to enlist cronyism.

Are you aware that last year a new Charter was voted in changing the rules for developing 'hiring lists' and for choosing new hires from that 'competitive lists'? These developments have long ranging and far reaching implications on "citizen’s rights to be hired." This change subtlety eliminates the words "professional merit as proven...." from the intentions law makers.

"Individuals are employed (hired) on the basis of professional merit as proven by competitive examinations;”

I challenge all CSEA members, to send a waive of clear messages to governmental leaders of establishments that operate on the backs of Civil Servants, that we demand fair and impartial promotional opportunities and equal pay. Then let your membership power shout loud and clear for governmental transparency showing fair unimpeded hiring practices for all citizens. No one is doing us favors. We work hard and we are exceptional workers! Remember, we pay their salaries and therefore we must hold them accountable by saying NO to Status Quo!

It is our obligation to understand that leadership choices must coincide within the best interest of civil servants and working class Americans. Let our voices demand fair and impartial treatment and by this, let them hear us say "no more cronyism." We refuse to vote for candidates who diminish citizen's working opportunities by refusing to hire legitimate Civil workers causing local citizens to suffer under "new and unorthodox hiring practices and contrived disciplinary gottcha rules." CSEA members must stay cognizant of the issues directly affecting our rights to serve and we cannot be afraid to stand up for our right and opportunity to rise up within the ranks of government that leads us to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Yes, justice for all." Our votes must be waged toward solid leadership that has a track record for promoting and working to empower Civil Servants who exist within the confines of the rising costs of inflation, and rising living expenses. We must cast our votes against leadership that refuse to acknowledge us or constantly devise ways to work against us. Our votes must demand fair compensation, equal treatment and equal opportunities for promotions and salaries that are comparable to private industry. Civil service worker are not less than, we are more than solid employees with specialized super skills and we need leaders that we can count on to include the welfare of civil service workers on their agendas. Yes, we are proud to be Civil Service Workers! The CSEA is committed to fighting for your rights because we are Civil Servants too. We Count! Pass the word.

"We electors have an important constitutional power placed in our hands: we have a check upon two branches of the legislature, as each branch has upon the other two; the power I mean of electing at stated periods, one branch, which branch has the power of electing another. It becomes necessary to every subject then, to be in some degree a statesman: and to examine and judge for himself of the tendencies of political principles and measures." John Adams, The Papers of John Adams, Robert J. Taylor, ed. (Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1977), Vol. 1, p. 81.

The Civil Service Employees’ Association

CSEA and GCCCU memberships consist of approximately 5,000 governmental civil service workers. Our membership body includes all civil service workers actively serving in governmental agencies and organizations located within Cuyahoga County.

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  (216) 771-6570

  850 Euclid Ave. #1313
   Cleveland, Ohio 44114

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